Today, we continue exposing and learning from common divorce mistakes. 4. Failing to learn from mistakes. What did you do wrong in your relationship? What could you have done better? What lessons do you want to take to any relationship you form in the future? It can...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Month: February 2014
5 Common Mistakes Husbands Make During Orange County, California Divorces – Part I
Whether you caught your wife cheating with an ex-boyfriend, or you and your wife have “called it quits” after 14 years together and four kids, you want to approach the divorce process mindfully to protect your assets, shield your kids and make life easier for...
What Happens After You Win Your Child Custody Fight – Part III
Today we’ll address two more critical ideas that will help you make time spent with your kids more meaningful, educational, fun and spiritual. Resist the urge to “re-partner” quickly for the sake of the kids. Many newly divorced people feel incredible pressure to...
What Happens After You Win Your Child Custody Fight – Part II
Once you’ve got your kids (for at least a substantial chunk of the week), what should you do with them? A little planning can go a long way. Here are some tips to make the journey easier. Cook meals in advance. You probably know your kids’ favorite recipes. Rather...
What Happens After You Win Your Child Custody Fight – Part I
Right now, you and your ex-spouse are locked in a contentious battle over your marital assets and child visitation arrangement. But what will happen at the conclusion of your legal battles? What if you win? The challenges don’t end there. In this post and several to...
The Nuts and Bolts of Creating a Strategic “Plan B” in a Divorce or Child Custody Battle (Part 2)
In a previous post, we discussed why coming up with a “Plan B” can be a tremendously productive exercise, if you’re going through a California divorce or child custody negotiation. You want to have extra options, in case your original, ideal plan falls through. As...
The Importance of Coming Up with a “Plan B” in a Divorce or Child Custody Battle (Part 1)
No one likes to lose, whether they’re playing fantasy football or a game of Angry Birds; or they’re immersed in a life changing child custody or divorce court battle. The more prepared that you can be for whatever outcome occurs, the more relaxed and adaptable you’ll...
8 Ways to be More Resilient After a California Divorce (Part 3)
Today we finish our series on how to hone your own resilience and bounce back from your frustrating child visitation, separation or other family law issue. 6. Push yourself – just enough! When we left off on our last post, we talked about the virtues of taking...
8 Ways to be More Resilient After a California Divorce (Part 2)
How else can you cultivate resilience after a major setback, such as a divorce, child visitation or child custody battle? Here are three more tips. 3. Get totally clear on where you are right now. It’s easy, when the chips are down, to fall into two kinds of bad...
8 Ways to be More Resilient After a California Divorce (Part 1)
Perhaps your spouse of 10 years announced one night, after the kids were asleep, that she wanted to leave. Or maybe you and your ex have been struggling for months (if not longer) about how to work out a fair visitation arrangement. On some level, you know that you...