Some people avoid prenuptial agreements because they feel like signing a prenup is an admission that you expect the marriage to fail from the start. They feel like it means that divorce is pretty much a guarantee. They think the document is going to doom the...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Month: April 2021
3 things to know before vacationing with your child after divorce
Planning vacations with your children can be challenging when your divorce is fresh. If your divorce became hostile, your spouse might see disrupting your travel plans as a way to get back at you. Even if your divorce went fairly smoothly, your ex-spouse may have...
Can a prenuptial agreement bring couples closer?
The idea of signing a prenuptial agreement could at first seem like you expect your marriage to fail. After all, much of what a prenuptial agreement discusses involves what happens if you get divorced. However, prenuptial agreements aren't inherently a sign that...
What financial documents do you need to prepare for divorce?
If you are about to divorce, it is essential to start preparing your finances as soon as you can. California is a community property state. You need to divide most property acquired while married. Gifts or inheritance remain separate property and do not need dividing....