California is one of the states that recognize legal separation for couples who are contemplating ending their marriages. If you are on the cusp of cutting ties with your spouse, filing for separation may be one of the things you have considered. But should you even...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Legal Separation
Summary Dissolution in California
Not all marriages work out, and divorce is the solution for many couples. But we believe that not all divorces need become unnecessarily complicated, or contentious, or difficult. Especially here in California, the law provides a relatively simple process called a...
Legal Separation & Separation Agreements: Part 2
In Part 1 of this two-part blog, we discussed “legal separation”. Here in Part 2, we’ll talk about arrangements known as “separation agreements”. In California, separation agreements are option for couples that does not involve going to court, and often...
Legal Separation and Separation Agreements, Part 1
In California, a legal separation is not the same as a separation agreement. We’ll take an overview of what a legal separation is in this blog, and we’ll tackle the topic of California separation agreements in our next blog. When spouses or life partners reach a...
How to Handle Your California Divorce, If You Are Sick – Part 2
How can you manage a California divorce (or child custody matter) if you are sick or laid up in the hospital? Short answer: you need to “outthink yourself.” Assuming that your mental faculties are still descent, you can accomplish a lot, even if you can’t move that...
Why Some Couples Make It and Some Don’t – Part III
Tabloids and blogs often publish eye-grabbing headlines like “Top 10 Reasons Men in California Get Divorced” or “3 Things Men Who Succeed in Child Custody Battles Have in Common.” When you see such stories, take them with a grain of salt. Often, they flow from a...
Why Some Couples Make It and Some Don’t – Part II
What drives couples apart, and what strategies help them to stay together? Pick up any tabloid, open any blog about marriage and family, or talk to any random person on the street, and you be assailed with passionate opinions. Unfortunately, parsing truth from fiction...
Why Some Couples Make It and Some Don’t – Part I
Decades ago, a famous social psychologist in Missouri conducted an experiment that would change the way researchers thought about divorce forever. The researcher took random people off the street and asked these people to observe couples through a one-way glass...
Seeing Your Costa Mesa, California Divorce Or Child Custody Battle As Inspiration for Self-Improvement – Part VI
One curious finding from recent social psychology research is that human beings tend to be very influenced by their “inner circles.” Your closest friends, family members and associates have an outsized effect not just on the “nuts and bolts” of your life, but also on...
Seeing Your Santa Ana, California Divorce Or Child Custody Battle As Inspiration for Self-Improvement – Part 3
In our last post, we built a case for why you really want to understand the root cause of your Santa Ana, California Divorce and child custody related problems, so that you can make progress in diverse areas of your life. But how do you find the core issues? You can...