Children who have divorced parents often go through a range of emotions. They may feel as though they live two distinctly separate lives -- one with each paent. It’s up to the parents to try to make the situation as normal as possible for the kids. One thing that...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Month: October 2022
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Will a prenup spell disaster for your marriage?
The internet is full of misinformation about marriage – many articles spread myths about how a marriage can turn sour with just a few minor mistakes. One such myth revolves around prenups and how creating one can cause a marriage to fall apart. This belief may be far...
What can make your prenuptial agreement invalid in California?
Prenuptial agreements often lie forgotten in a drawer or closet once a couple gets married. Until the possibility of divorce arises, at which point, locating and reviewing the contract is critical. If you believe your premarital agreement contains illegal or immoral...