The simplest (and fastest) types of divorces are uncontested divorces. In this kind of divorce, both parties agree that it’s time for the marriage to be over. California law uses a very specific term — “irreconcilable differences” — to define the idea of no fault...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Month: March 2014
What are the Residency Requirements for Golden State Divorces?
If the California Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction over your divorce, you cannot petition to dissolve your California marriage. How can you make sure that you are eligible? There are many ways to demonstrate that you’ve met residency requirements. Normally, this only...
Understanding Premarital and Prenuptial Agreements in Orange County, California – Part II
Let’s dive a little deeper into the law that governs California prenuptial and premarital agreements. As we discussed last time, the important California Family Code Sections are sections 1600 through 1617. Section 1613 says that premarital agreements go into affect...
Understanding Premarital and Prenuptial Agreements in Orange County, California – Part I
In today’s post and a subsequent one, we’re going to talk about premarital and prenuptial agreements in California. The Uniformed Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA) creates the scaffolding for prenuptial agreements. If you want to “dig deep” into the law, check out...
Does Every Orange County Divorce Have to be Litigated?
On other occasions, when both parties are represented, we frequently are able to negotiate a fair and/or advantageous agreement for our client’s with their spouse’s attorney. It is possible to do all of this without going to court. Cases are also frequently resolved...
Understanding Military Divorce Laws in Orange County, California
California military divorce is often more complicated, legally speaking, than civilian divorce. This post will address a few of the salient laws and issues. Per the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act, your divorce can be postponed when a service member is overseas...
What are Grandparents Rights After a California Divorce?
Perhaps your only daughter recently split from her husband of several years, and you’re worried that you may lose the opportunity to see your grandchildren regularly. Or maybe you want to help a grandchild whom you believe may be endangered, physically or emotionally....
What Constitutes Grounds for Divorce in Orange County, California?
If you want to file for a divorce in the Golden State, you must file a document called a “petition for dissolution of marriage” with the court. There are two basic grounds that you can use: #1: “Incurable Insanity.” California Code Section 2310 defines the...
Common Mistakes Wives Make During Orange County, California Divorces – Part 3
Here’s another problem that both women and men confront during divorce. Statistically speaking, more women than men face this demon. The issue is domestic violence. When a rocky relationship heads south, events can sometimes take a turn for the dangerous. It’s a very...
Common Mistakes Wives Make During Orange County, California Divorces – Part 2
Here’s another unique challenge that divorcing women face: What if you are pregnant or nursing a young child while going through a divorce? Nursing and caring for an infant — or growing a baby — put massive demands on your time, your body and your emotional state. The...