Raising a child with someone who is no longer your partner, or perhaps never was, can be challenging. You may have different views on bringing up your child, and you may have an intense dislike for one another. However, you still need to work together if you want your...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Month: June 2021
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Does asking for a prenup mean you’re anticipating divorce?
From a legal standpoint, a prenuptial agreement just makes sense. You may get divorced in the future. You might as well do what you can to protect yourself, your assets and your future. That’s what a prenup can do for you. The reason that so few people use prenups,...
What if my spouse doesn’t agree to get a divorce?
If you find yourself considering divorce, then the chances are pretty good that you and your ex already don't agree on many issues. Filing for divorce may only widen and highlight the divide. For example, while you realize that the marriage is past the point of being...