Broadly speaking, in divorce, there are essentially four (4) potential financial issues: Child support, Spousal support, Division of property, Attorney’s fees. In order to initially evaluate issues concerning you and your spouse’s income as it relates...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Month: January 2013
How does infidelity affect child custody in divorce?
California is referred to as a “no fault” state with respect to divorces. In other words, generally speaking, judges do not want to hear testimony concerning infidelity. However, with respect to custody, courts are sensitive to introducing and involving children...
When can I claim a child as a tax deduction?
Parents often ask this question when dealing with their divorce. When minor children are involved, a custody schedule will eventually be established and the parents will no longer file taxes jointly with each other. Therefore, the dependent tax deductions and...
DD001 – Dinnebier & Demmerle’s First Podcast Episode
Dinnebier & Demmerle is proud to announce the release of their first podcast episode. Listen to it right here and learn more about the firm and pre-divorce planning. In this episode, you will hear about: Who Richard, Ken, and Dallas are; How Dinnebier &...
I just found out my ex hid money during our divorce. What can I do about it?
Any community assets that were not included in the divorce are known as “omitted assets.” The Family Code provides a solution to the question. The outcome depends on whether your ex intentionally hid the money, or simply neglected to list it as part of the...