Many people believe that a prenuptial agreement weakens a marriage. In fact, this may be the reason why they don’t ask for a prenup in the first place. They’re afraid that saying they want to use one is just telling their partner that they’re already thinking about...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Month: April 2024
3 types of financial issues that can impact divorce preparations
Preparing for a divorce can be a lengthy process. Spouses need to gather financial records and other crucial evidence. They need to start preparing to live separately and to negotiate with one another or present their case and family court. Some people spend many...
Common conflicts that can lead to divorce
Most couples argue occasionally. Yet, constant conflict or significant issues that remain unresolved can often lead a couple to divorce. One survey asked divorcing couples to list their biggest conflicts. Here were the most common ones couples mentioned: Career...
4 things people forget to put in prenups
Prenuptial agreements are basically “insurance policies” in case a marriage doesn’t work out – and they’re increasingly being used by couples from all walks of life. Prenups can define each party’s financial responsibilities during marriage, clarify property rights in...