If you and your child’s other parent are no longer romantically linked, you’ll need to start thinking about drafting a parenting plan as part of your broader child custody arrangement. In California, family law courts generally require that a legally-enforceable...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Year: 2022
What does a QDRO do?
If you’re getting a divorce, there may be many different documents that you’ve never used before, and that you are encountering for the first time. Some of these documents are very useful, especially as you divide up ownership of your assets, but you may simply never...
3 considerations if divorcing later in life
Divorce will have complications at any age. Unfortunately, that is the price for the freedom you will gain. Once you understand what particular issues you could face, you can take steps to minimize their effect on you. Here are some that are especially relevant to...
Are prenuptial agreements only for the wealthy?
When you think of people considering entering a prenuptial agreement, what kind of couples come to mind? It’s probably someone super wealthy that is the heir to a fortune. After all, why would anyone else need to think about signing an agreement before marrying their...
3 things to think about when you divorce with children
Going through a divorce is a big change for you. Your children will also have to learn how to live a vastly different life than what they’re accustomed to. As a parent, you must do what’s best for your children. This doesn’t mean always doing the easiest things. You...
Divorced parents: Never use the kids as your spies
Children who have divorced parents often go through a range of emotions. They may feel as though they live two distinctly separate lives -- one with each paent. It’s up to the parents to try to make the situation as normal as possible for the kids. One thing that...
Will a prenup spell disaster for your marriage?
The internet is full of misinformation about marriage – many articles spread myths about how a marriage can turn sour with just a few minor mistakes. One such myth revolves around prenups and how creating one can cause a marriage to fall apart. This belief may be far...
What can make your prenuptial agreement invalid in California?
Prenuptial agreements often lie forgotten in a drawer or closet once a couple gets married. Until the possibility of divorce arises, at which point, locating and reviewing the contract is critical. If you believe your premarital agreement contains illegal or immoral...
Are your parents adamant about a prenup? What you should know
If you’re preparing to get married, your parents may be advocating strongly for you to get a prenuptial agreement. They may be insisting on it. While you may not think you have enough money or other assets at this point in your life to make that request of your...
Don’t lose your pet in a divorce
You and your spouse may not agree on a lot – it may have been the reason you and your spouse are getting a divorce. When it comes to dividing assets, your dog, cat, bird or fish may be lumped in the mix. It can be a scary thought that you might lose your pet after...