Most couples argue occasionally. Yet, constant conflict or significant issues that remain unresolved can often lead a couple to divorce. One survey asked divorcing couples to list their biggest conflicts. Here were the most common ones couples mentioned: Career...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Why are some states banning no-fault divorces?
There has been a worrying trend in the news lately. Several states (Texas, Louisiana and Nebraska) have acted to ban no-fault divorces. Once again, one spouse must demonstrate marital fault or both spouses consent to the split to get legally divorced. Will these...
What is financial infidelity?
Financial infidelity occurs when one partner conceals financial information or engages in financial activities without the knowledge or consent of the other. Just like sexual infidelity, it’s a relationship killer. Recent findings by’s “Debt and Divorce”...
How can you prepare to divorce a narcissist?
Preparing to divorce a narcissist can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process. Narcissists often react to divorce with attempts to control the situation, manipulate circumstances or even retaliate in various ways. This can make divorcing a narcissist a complex...
Is a sleep divorce just a way to delay an inevitable divorce?
Married couples typically take their commitments to one another very seriously. Even when marriages have gone through major challenges, spouses are often eager to work with one another to preserve the relationship and improve their dynamic. Some couples go to...
3 tips for telling your children about your divorce
Telling your children that you’re going through a divorce is challenging, especially when you consider they’ve only known life with both parents together. This is a conversation that’s best had when you don’t have to rush. Ideally, you’ll do this when they aren’t busy...
What if the decision to divorce isn’t unanimous?
Traditionally, the decision to divorce has often been portrayed as a mutual agreement between two spouses. However, life is rarely so simple. Many marriages experience conflicts, differences and evolving circumstances that can make reaching a unanimous decision...
3 important rules for living together during the divorce
Divorce can be taxing on many levels. If the relationship is broken beyond repair, however, then divorce might be the only sensible option on the table. But it is not uncommon for a couple to resolve to share a roof during the divorce period. Of course, this does...
Money differences may lead to divorce
When you begin looking into the reasons why divorce happens, you’ll find that finances often come up. Maybe one person had a spending problem and was wasting the money that the family needed just to pay the bills. Maybe one person couldn’t hold down a job and the...
Financial mistakes to avoid during your divorce
Going through a divorce can be emotionally and financially challenging. While you must consider many factors during this process, one element you can’t ignore is your future financial stability. Making informed decisions and avoiding common financial mistakes can...