Results-Oriented Family Law Representation

Does Every Orange County Divorce Have to be Litigated?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2014 | Divorce, Litigation


On other occasions, when both parties are represented, we frequently are able to negotiate a fair and/or advantageous agreement for our client’s with their spouse’s attorney.

It is possible to do all of this without going to court.

Cases are also frequently resolved though mediation.  In this regard, we advise parties that are going through mediation and also mediate cases for both parties to assist them in reaching an agreement.

Although it is not always possible, if you can obtain an agreement with your spouse through negotiation that is similar in nature to that which you would receive in a contested court case, such a resolution is preferable.  It will avoid significant attorney’s fees, as well as necessary hostility and stress.

The most important key is to have the proper representation: first find a competent, experienced team to advise you about your case. The team at Dinnebier & Demmerle would be happy to help you strategize effectively. Call or email our team today for more help.