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What makes divorce hard?

On Behalf of | Dec 18, 2024 | Divorce

It’s not uncommon for people to take too long to tell their spouse they want a divorce after realizing their marriage is not working. Some people take months, while others years. So, why is dissolving a marriage hard?

Here is what you should know:

Accepting a marriage is not working can be hard

You may never have expected to part ways with someone you expected to spend the rest of your life with. Accepting the reality that your marriage is not working can be difficult. 

Nonetheless, it can help to see your decision to get a divorce as the best one for you and possibly your relationship with your spouse. You did everything possible to make the marriage work, but it didn’t. Dissolving the marriage may be the only solution left. Approaching your divorce from this angle may smoothen your experience.

Concern about loneliness

The thought of being lonely can also make divorce difficult. It can take time before getting used to being single, especially if you are leaving a long-term marriage. However, support from loved ones and support groups can help you cope with your new life.

Worrying about the effects of divorce on your children

Divorcing parents are always concerned about how their decision will affect their children. And this can make their experience different. 

Your divorce may make your children feel guilty, sad, confused or angry. But you can help them deal with these emotions. Encouraging them to express their feelings, maintaining routines and creating a suitable parenting plan can protect your kids from the potential negative impacts of divorce.

Divorce can be challenging, from making the decision to going through the process. Obtain more information from the beginning to know how to protect yourself and your children if you have any.