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Is divorce always worse for the children?

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2024 | Child Custody and Visitation

There are many couples who want to get divorced, but they do not do so because they have children together. They decide to stay together and raise the kids. Some of them may then get divorced when they become empty nesters, but not all of them.

In any case, this begs the question: Have they done the right thing? Is it better to stay together for the children, and does divorce always have a negative impact on the kids’ development and growth? 

It depends on the conflict level

No, it is not always true that divorce has a negative impact on children. In some cases, divorce can be much better for them than if their parents remain together. Researchers note that a key factor is how much conflict is involved in the parental relationship and what that means for the child’s living situation.

After all, many couples are in high-conflict relationships, which is why they want to get divorced. They may constantly argue and fight. This can all be very stressful for children, giving them an unhappy and oppressive living situation, which can cause significant developmental issues. Staying together is harming the kids by forcing them to live in that environment. 

Those children would likely be better off, this research suggests, if their parents got divorced. Doing so could provide the children with a relatively low-stress living situation. The parents may be happier on their own, allowing them to focus on their relationship with the children after the divorce.

As you can see, ending the marriage can actually be a positive step forward. Divorce with children is always complicated, though, so make sure you know what legal options you have as you go through this process.