We have in previous blog posts addressed some of the many issues relating to domestic violence through the point of view of family attorneys; that is, as domestic violence may impact issues ranging from divorce to parental rights. And as the laws in California regarding domestic violence evolve, we will address some relevant points of that legal progress as well.
As recently as January 1 of 2014, the California Penal Code Section 273.5 was revised, reflecting changes in the legal definition of who can be legally defined as a victim of domestic violence.
Under the revised laws, a victim of domestic violence or abuse may include:
- the offender’s spouse or former spouse
- the offender’s cohabitant or former cohabitant
- the fiancé, former fiancé, or person with whom offender has or had a dating relationship or engagement
- the mother or father (parent) of offender’s child
These revised statues are intended to provide greater protection for people not necessarily presently involved in a relationship with an alleged offender/abuser.
Remember, the information contained in this blog is intended not as legal advice, but only for information and/or discussion purposes. Should you have questions or concerns about how California family law may apply to you, or you feel you, or someone you know, is a victim of domestic violence, you may wish to consult a knowledgeable family law attorney.
As Orange County’s premier family law specialists, the attorneys at Dinnebier & Demmerle can provide answers to your questions and concerns, clarify and establish your legal rights, and represent you in court. If you would like more information about domestic violence/abuse or any other aspect of California family law, please call to set up a consultation. We’re ready to move forward when you are. Just contact us in Tustin at 714-598-3714.