The courts should never draw an unfavorable inference from a party changing attorneys. A party should be able to choose whomever they want to represent them. However, as a practical matter, judges always wonder why a client has had so many previous attorneys. Is it...
Results-Oriented Family Law Representation
Year: 2012
Daughter engaged to older wealthy man requiring a prenuptial agreement
My 25 year old daughter is engaged to a very nice guy who is quite a bit older than she. He is asking her to sign a prenup due to his company being family owned. He is agreeable to giving her a life insurance plan in lieu of her having an interest in his business or...
How do I file for an annulment?
It is relatively easy to file for an annulment. However, getting a court to annul a marriage can be tricky even if it is a very short marriage. Without more details a husband and wife having “differences” is not enough. Essentially for an annulment a party has to show...
Can you give advice about child support and whether I need an attorney?
My Ex filed for his child support to be lowered since he now has the kids a bit He more time. But, it came out in a deposition that he owns 7-8 LLC’s having a total of 2-3 million dollars in them. The child support commissioner has asked him 3 times for support docs...